Sponsor a Mom!

For just $42/month

you have the opportunity to supply essential, life-affirming services that will empower these families to not only survive but to thrive.
To be fully funded, we need 270 sponsors at $42/month! Check out our progress!
132 Moms Sponsored! 48%

Did you know?

About 25% of Bulloch County residents live under the poverty line? That’s one in every four families grappling with daily struggles to meet their fundamental needs. At Foundations, about 90% of the families we support fall within this demographic. Moms, whether facing unplanned or planned pregnancies, are already navigating the challenges of making ends meet, and now they’re introducing a new member to their family. The stark reality of being pro-life entails more than just advocating for the gift of life; it means actively supporting and sustaining that life.

Sponsoring a mom gives you the opportunity to do just that!


When you sponsor a mom, we will send you a little house-shaped ornament with that mom’s name on it as our way to thank you for choosing to walk alongside her and to remind you to pray for her and her family. We will also send you updates on your family throughout the year, as things progress!